Chippa wafting

Unidentified on a clean left at Playa Colorado
John Haan snaps one at Playa Colorado

I think I lost 10 pounds in 2 days from the food poisoning. I am finally starting to be able to eat food again. I had toast for lunch and pancakes for dinner. The swell showed up around this afternoon and NIcaragua finally showed John Haan its glory. Some pros also showed up just in time for the big waves. Andrew Doheny, Chippa Wilson, Mason Ho, and Matt Wilko with Chippas video crew. They have video guy, water photog, and land photog. They are staying in the condo next to us. I heard one of the local kids say they are taking a boat to outer reef tomorrow in Popoyo. John Haan and I booked a boat trip to Manzanillo tomorrow afternoon. The tide is mid-tide later morning and early evening. Hopefully we will score some good waves. We are taking the boat with a guy named Mateo I met on the beach today. He is an American that lives in Gigante. I didn't surf today because my stomach still wasn't right. As the sun was going down we saw a wave break on an outer reef at Playa Colorado. I didn't have my camera, but there should be similar waves if it gets bigger tomorrow as the reports are saying.
Glad you are feeling somewhat better. Lousy way to lose weight. Hudson and I bought you a new t-shirt at Channel Islands. He took it to Clovis for you. Stay safe and ride well. ~mom